Thursday, October 11, 2007


Where do you draw the line between what is scientifically accurate and what is spectacle for entertainment purposes? Ultimately it is the director's vision.
Does scientific accuracy need to exist in blockbuster films?
When it comes to documentaries and educational films, are some of the 'educational' bits being suppressed in order to maintain the engagement of the audience?

Just questions to pose.


Sepehr Dehpour said...

Very interesting questions.

Sepehr Dehpour said...

I must say that I don’t think we need scientific accuracy in Blockbuster movies but we need at least to make sure something that is completely false is not presented in these movies. After all, the goals of these movies are to “entertain” but they should maintain the right direction.

Wyatt_USC said...

Why should a film's science be any more real or representative than anything else. According to movies 99% of the people in the world are gorgeous white people who manage to rent huge apartments on merger wages and have dynamic, explosive, multi-organic sex every night.

I'm suppose to care about whether or not they accurately portray ball lightning, but not question why stolen Army uniforms fit male heroes perfectly but are always too small or too big for heroines.