Saturday, November 17, 2007

Gordon Research Conference

With the discussions of how science is shown in the entertainment world, how is it brought to the classroom? What steps are being made to make science classes more enjoyable or more understandable for those who are visual by nature? How many science classes consist of opening the textbook, looking at the bland images, reading a bunch of technical words and trying to figure out what it all means? Oh, there are the wonderfully bland filmstrips as well.

The Gordon Conference on "Visualization in Science and Education" provides a forum for the critical examination of the uses of visual images in the physical and biological sciences and in mathematics, of the tools used to create these images, and of their effectiveness in conveying scientific information to specialist and novice audiences. As such, the Conference is multidisciplinary, bringing together physical and biological scientists who use visualizations for research, science educators who create visualizations for classroom use and who test their effectiveness, graphics specialists who create visualizations to advance the frontiers of science and mathematics, and cognitive scientists whose understanding of human perception and cognition guides the research and educational application of visualizations and, in turn, is informed by the results of such applications."

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