Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Une Charogne

A friend of mine introduced me his group project-Une Charogne (2006) done by students from Supinfocom. This film is very impressing in the way they composite and it is also very visual-effect oriented, as you could see the hair floats and even twitch in a very bizarre and peculiar way, which suits the style of this film. There's also a lot of "growing things" done in paint effects with some further coding as I heard.

I am impressed the way they interpret Charles Baudelaire's Une Charogne into a vivid animation peice. The "growing, ivy-like" things that forms the tree, dogs, the falling of "words" are proper elements that contribute to the appeal of the film.

Ps. une charogne acutally reminds me of William Shakespeare's Sonnet 1 as well.

Here's the linke of the film:

Une Charogne by Charles Baudelaire:

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